Saturday, February 22, 2014

Best Day EVER!

Yes, the sun is out and the snow is gone (for now) and it's the first day of the year that really feels like spring!

But that's not the only thing marking today as so monumentally awesome. 

This morning I drove down to Front Royal where an entire art studio was being cleaned out, and all items being sold for just A DOLLAR.

The last time I scored such an incredible $1 deal was back in December when I found an awesome vintage chair at the Re-Store in Purcerville.

I'm so thankful right now.  Paper, canvas, sketchbooks, so many pencils and fountain pens and nibs and ink and it's all pretty amazing!

I even documented my haul.  The box below and its entire contents were sold to me for $1.

The slides (which are of French Impressionist paintings), bottles of ink, set of brushes and pencils were all purchased for an additional dollar each.  I also brought home canvases, pads of watercolor paper, nice drawing paper, a big sketchbook, and a box of neon acrylic paints (not sure what I'll use those for).  I spent $24 total.

Thank You!!!

I'm ready to get to work :-)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Free Paper Cut Template!

I dunno about the rest of you, but birthday season is coming up for me.  

Which also means: It's card-making time!

As you may recall, a few months back I decided to dabble in paper cutting.

After a brief hiatus, I am back at work with blade in hand!

Today I thought I'd share this cute template with you so you can give it a whirl for yourself.

Once finished, the paper cut may be adhered to the front of a blank card.  And voilĂ !  Handmade sweetness sure to brighten someone's special day.